July 25, 2019


How do you plan to fund all of this?

First, we will appeal for general donations for basic startup capital in the form of a traditional crowdfunding campaign such as Indiegogo. Then, we may or may not offer stock through a round of funding using Regulation Crowd Funding portals.

What assurances do I have that money I invest is secure and will be used for the stated purposes?

We have gone to great lengths to make sure you will know that the funds will be used in accordance with our business plan.

Fiduciary duty and accompanying legal liability

The Male Birth Control Group, Inc. is a C Corporation incorporated within the State of NY in good standing and therefore an official business entity. It has bank accounts and can be formally sued.

We chose to incorporate and privately issue stock. A CEO and controlling shareholder has what is called a fiduciary duty to look out for the interests of his/her company interests. This is legally binding. This means that the CEO must act in what he/she believes to be in the the best interest of the company and follow its business plan or face legal recourse.

Read up on Fiduciary duties here and here

Open Accounting and Ongoing Reporting Burdens

All money received either through donations will be accounted for on our accounting page from time to time so that all expenditures can be seen. Furthermore, we intend to offer well known members of the “Man-O-Sphere” membership in the group who can vouch for our integrity. Additionally, progress with product development will be posted on our social media portals.

Not only do we voluntarily adopt the open accounting business model, but if we chose to use Regulation Crowd Funding, it would impose further ongoing reporting burdens on the company which will keep the shareholders and the SEC informed of our financial activities on a regular basis.
Take a look at the daunting requirements here and here.

Should we choose to make any such offering, reports will be posted on our accounting page, filed with the SEC when appropriate, and linked to with the newsletter updates.

Furthermore, our business plan and financial documents would be submitted to the SEC, viewable by the public, in a document known as a “Form C”. This form outlines what we plan to do and any unannounced deviation from the plan will be apparent and come with legal repercussions. These documents would also be available on the crowdfunding portal page. An example of what is required is here.

To receive working capital to begin operations we may launch a donation based crowdfunding initiative. We are also legally permitted to make use of Regulation Crowd Funding which could be used to share ownership if we elected to do so. To understand why we cannot declare any intend to offer stock, if this intend indeed exists, please read this.

Penalties for embezzlement:

Taking money given to us as an investment and going on a vacation or buying a sports car would be an example of embezzlement. This is a serious crime and we would be held personally liable for it. You can read up on embezzlement and its penalties here and here.

In other words, while our business plan may not succeed and our products may fail, as is the risk of any new venture, it will not be due to embezzlement, theft, or corruption and certainly not without stiff legal penalties that no one on the executive team wishes to bear.

What do you (the founder) get out of this?

Potential profits from the development and sale of new birth control options and products.

Turning a hobby (research into birth control and advocacy of men’s issues) into a business that can make a real world difference in men’s lives.

The opportunity to unite the capital of men and women with a similar agenda toward a positive end.

How Can I contact you Directly?

Our Email Address is MaleBirthControlGroup@gmail.com

What are your goals?

See the mission and vision page.

How do you plan to accomplish your goals?

Raise funds using all legal means while maintaining transparency and accountability throughout the man-o-sphere. Use said funds to research and develop products that address our main goals. We will then release our products and use the revenue to further our research and development.

Is any of this possible?

Yes. In fact there are already supplements known to significantly reduce male fertility. There are also ongoing trails for new supplements and methods that we will cover in our video releases.

There is also a growing sex toy industry that we will be able to directly contribute to for the purpose of satisfying a male demographic. As abstinence is the only 100% effective form of birth control, this is well within our mission and vision and giving men access to high quality sex toys would make abstinence easier to practice.

Who are the members?

The members of the Male Birth Control Group are its shareholders, employees or contract workers, and officers. More loosely, it is anyone who supports our mission and vision.

How do I help?

Spread the word about the existence of our company and its goals to people who share a male-positive philosophy, and set aside money to buy stock or donate when our crowdfunding campaign goes live. Subscribe to our mailing list to stay informed. We are prepared to take care of everything on the business end so long as we are funded.